The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute delivering Continuing Education courses for the month of September. Contact the team at CITTI on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute, delivering Continuing Education courses for the month of September. A two session short course (Rakei Manea) and a three session short course on Land Matters. For all enquiries call the team on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute delivering Continuing Education courses for our communities. Contact the team on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute are delivering a four session short course from 10 - 19 September. "Sew a Shirt" using an existing shirt pattern. Call the team at CITTI on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute delivering a four session short course .... Microsoft Excel for Beginners. Contact the team at CITTI on 21-471, or through email Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute in partnership with Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) delivering a block course in small engines / welding on the island of Enuamanu. The micro-credential / training programme is a set of particular skills delivered by our tutors through short blocks of learning and will be rolled out across the Pa Enua, where needs have been identified. Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute delivering a two session short course .... Ura & Ei. Enquiries, please contact the team at CITTI on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute is delivering a five (5) session short course "getting the right fit, for your garment". Contact our office on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute delivering a one session short course on the art of Ei Katu, 28 August from 5pm - 8pm. Contact our office on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
Learn the joy of Sewing! The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute are delivering another Continuing Education short course - Sewing for Beginners. Monday 12 & Tuesday 13 August; 5pm - 8pm at our Arorangi Campus. Contact Violet Tisam on 21-471, or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea
The Cook Islands Tertiary Training Institute will begin another cohort for "Maori for Absolute Beginners". Wednesday evenings, 5pm - 7pm at Tereora College (14 August - 2 October). Contact Violet Tisam at CITTI on 21-471 or email through to Tavini no to tatou Ipukarea